Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Lord will perfect, that which concerns me

So what's new? Let's see. Justice-kymorah has some serious allergy issues. The other morning (following a day when we were outside for 3 hours at a birthday party) she woke up to her eyes gooped shut and she was freaking out cuz she could barely open then. I guess we'll be limiting time spent outside. She's such a good baby though. And so happy all the time. Her little smile just melts my heart... just wait til she's old enough to know that...and use it. I'm betting it will work every time haha. She's so big. Fitting into clothes that before I had her I said "this is huge she's not gonna fit this for a looooong time". Haha. Time flies.

Apparently I have gall bladder disease now along with the Ankylosing Spondylitis and newly suggest Sjogren's Sydrome. Yeah that's right....go BIG or go home haha. The old me would have been seriously freaking out... but I have learned that God has everything in control and who am I to doubt that? The Bible says the Lord will perfect that which concerneth me. Along with many other things that prove that I will be just fine. I will continue to pray and ask you all to do the same and God will see me through it. I'm doing my very best to stick to His Word and do what He asks and expects of me. It's constant work..but...if you think about it...if you get to a place where you think you don't need to work at it're really in a place that needs more work than ever.... God made the heavens and the I to think that he can't heal my body...that which he also created? No way. I have complete faith and trust in Him. So please don't feel sorry for me or smother me in sympathy. Just keep me in your prayers is all I ask.

One more thing about Justice-kymorah. She drinks water from adult water bottles... like Deer Park or Poland Spring bottles... of course with our non-flouride well-water in them. Nonetheless she drinks from them and loves it. She whines and fusses when there's a water bottle in sight. And scratches the bottle when she wants more... it's too cute! She also will eat baby cereal from a spoon. But I won't be doing that on a regular basis for a few more weeks yet. I just thought I'd see if she'd do it...and she will. She's a genius. LOL.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

eye infection :0(

Well we've been using the eye medicine... which sucks because it's ointment and I have to literally put it IN her eye... yes IN...not ON...IN. It's this teenie-tinie tube and I keep wasting it by missing her eye because she moves and fights my hand because she hates having it in her eye (which, who wouldn't?) so it's a bit frustrating... I just hope enough is getting in her eye to get rid of the infection. My eyes still suck. I'm more worried about hers and I tend to forget to tend to mine. Last year around this time while I was in TN I had some crazy eye business going on so maybe it's just allergies now.. but at first it was def a stye...gross! So anyway Justice-kymorah is still growin like a weed. She's getting cereal in a night time bottle now and she just loves it...maybe a little too much lol. She screams her head off when I interrupt her to get a burp out. Pumping is a frustrating pain in the butt but it's so much better for her so I'll just continue to deal. I just put together her "around we go" activity center/exersaucer type thing. We'll see how she does in it. She's good with holding her own head up so she should do fine with it. Her head is actually smaller than most babies... she's in the 9th percent... which is probably why she can do a lot of things so early..because he head isn't throwing her off balance. The doc says she's real strong and healthy... so who could ask for more?

Monday, May 12, 2008

i love tubby time!!!

using her new tub as a chair lol
tummy time with Pappy
looks like she's waving lol
lovin tubby time
posin in the tub
dryin off
Did I mention she absolutely LOVES the bath now? Well...she does :) She kicks and watches her feet and likes to sit up and play instead of layin back on the sling. So today we got a new tubby she can sit up's a duck! There's a pic of her sittin in it as a chair...super cute! Can't wait to put her in it as an actual tub...yay! Here's a few other pics as well!

mommy's first mother's day

TRUE love

this is our "do somethin" face
one of the 82million times i kiss her throughout the day
so cute!
my first mother's day card!
finally someone as "crazy" as me
mommy and baby
sp pretty..already gotta keep my eye on her
Had my very first Mother's day! It was awesome! I love being a mom more than anything else... it was the only real career /life goal I ever set for myself and in my own screwed up away I accomplished it. Now I'm determined to be the best mom ever for my daughter. These pics are from our day together on Mother's day. It was such an awesome day for me.. yay! I look forward to many many more Mother's days...

3 months old!

rare shot where we are both looking at the camera
soooo sleepy
a little foggy but super cute
old pic from Easter
all bundled up for a walk
already gabbin on the phone
my little diva in her sunglasses
So what's been new? Well...Justice-kymorah is now 3 months old...time really flies. She sits up (not from on her back but from a leaned back position)... she can swat at her toys... she's trying to laugh. She weighs 11.6 pounds and she's 23 inches long! She has a small head for a baby which is probably why she can sit up at such an early age... cuz her noggin's not throwin off her balance. She's had this not-being-able-to-poop issue... not fun. She doesn't get cranky or fussy or anything... she just doesn't poop. I had to use glycerin suppositories... it broke my heart. She got over it rather quickly but I didn't. Then I had to do it again 5 days later...ughh. I gave that second one to her Saturday and she went that night a bunch of times then a bunch of times Sunday and she has gone today.. so I'm hoping her little not pooping phase is over. We both have eye infections this week...and I just got a call saying hers (which we had the doctor do a culture of) is a staff infection. How that happened I'll never know because the only people who really handle her are myself and mamaw and we are hand washing nazi's.... ugghh motherhood is so stressful sometimes. I'm the only mom that has given her bath every day from the day we can home and my baby gets a staff infection in her eye... uggh. No matter what you do to protect them... you can't protect them from everything. And I think it's staph no staff...whatever. Now I'm in a bad mood... enjoy the pics tho.. I'll write more later.