rare shot where we are both looking at the camera
soooo sleepy
a little foggy but super cute
old pic from Easter
all bundled up for a walk
already gabbin on the phone
my little diva in her sunglasses
So what's been new? Well...Justice-kymorah is now 3 months old...time really flies. She sits up (not from on her back but from a leaned back position)... she can swat at her toys... she's trying to laugh. She weighs 11.6 pounds and she's 23 inches long! She has a small head for a baby which is probably why she can sit up at such an early age... cuz her noggin's not throwin off her balance. She's had this not-being-able-to-poop issue... not fun. She doesn't get cranky or fussy or anything... she just doesn't poop. I had to use glycerin suppositories... it broke my heart. She got over it rather quickly but I didn't. Then I had to do it again 5 days later...ughh. I gave that second one to her Saturday and she went that night a bunch of times then a bunch of times Sunday and she has gone today.. so I'm hoping her little not pooping phase is over. We both have eye infections this week...and I just got a call saying hers (which we had the doctor do a culture of) is a staff infection. How that happened I'll never know because the only people who really handle her are myself and mamaw and we are hand washing nazi's.... ugghh motherhood is so stressful sometimes. I'm the only mom that has given her bath every day from the day we can home and my baby gets a staff infection in her eye... uggh. No matter what you do to protect them... you can't protect them from everything. And I think it's staph no staff...whatever. Now I'm in a bad mood... enjoy the pics tho.. I'll write more later.
The BEST Mother's Day ever!
10 years ago
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