Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, April 27, 2008

drool baby

Rockin the mohawk!!

Probably gonna be my favorite picture EVER!
A paying-attention view of the mohawk
Sittin girl like a big girl in the new chase-lounge
Justice-kymorah with Nana G
Singing together!
Crying together!
Passed out in bed (hardcore sleeper missing a sock)
Ready to go bye bye in the car in her new outfit

Thought I'd drop in and update a bit. Not much is all that different. Justice-kymorah is growing like a weed! She's so big already I can't believe it! She has recently found her hands and her ability to put them into her mouth, so she spends a lot of her awake time doing that. She smiles so much more now and when you see it in person it just melts your heart. She is quite the mama's girl and screams almost every time someone else is holding her or really anytime I'm not RIGHT there. But I don't mind ya know, I feel uneasy if I'm not around her too (which really is never longer than going to the bathroom or making coffee or a plate of food). She's starting to lose her baby hair...mostly on the sides and the back of her head. Maybe I'll finally get to do the mohawk I've always dreamed of! (you see the pics where I have already tried!!). As long as I'm holding her she flirts with people and is so smiley now, it's awesome (if I let someone else hold her the flirting stops unless I'm right in her face) lol. Oh and she DROOLS! She drools A LOT. It starts out as blowing bubbles and in the matter of 5 minutes I end up having to change her shirt! It's super cute though. And could just put a bib on her but I dont always like to because it gets all spun around and crazy and ends up being more annoying than helpful. Let's see... she's got this tubbie that she prefers to use as a chair (I may have mentioned that before... I've lost any kind of memory abilities during my pregnancy). She's actually sleeping in it right now.. I wish I couldl et her sleep in it over night because she is SOUND ASLEEP right now but I don't want her to be uncomfortable or wake up sore or something because it's a bathtub so even with a fuzzy blanket under her, it's hard... and it's at an angle so i don't know I just don't want it hurting her. We also got to take our first trip to her other grandparent's house. We had to wait this long because they have dogs but we finally went to Nana and PoPo's house! You see pics of her with Nana but PoPo was sick so he stayed upstairs. Oh and last thing... she's totally one of those sweaty babies! When it's warm out or she's hot for whatever she gets all clammy and sweaty...yet her hands and sometimes feet are cold (and clammy) .. JUST LIKE MOMMY!! hahaha.

So about mommy (loved my seg-way there didn't you?! And the fact that I spelled "seg-way" wrong and have no clue how to spell it correctly..) I have been doing well. The devil has really been trying to bring me down lately though. From health problems to people trying to cut me down for no reason at all..and feelings of "why do I bother being kind and caring and helpful if the exact opposite is returned??" and just general hopelessness but God has gently reminded me that he is my Great Hope and I don't do things to receive praise or get things in return... I do them for the Lord and he sees everything and knows my heart so I don't need to be worried. So I've been trying to keep my head up and do what God has called me to do even when I don't feel like it and rather be freaking out on people! In any case we are doing very well ...we struggle at times like everyone else but God always gives us what we need and will never give us something we can't handle!

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