It's important to me that everyone understand my daughter's name and the fact that it is what it is for a reason. Her first name is Justice-kymorah...not just Justice. It is a hyphenated FIRST NAME and the second part is not capitalized to further emphasize the point that it is her FIRST NAME. So please don't just refer to her as Justice because that is not the name that was given to her. I'm not trying to be mean about it, it's just... you wouldn't want someone to just go and change the name you gave your child... and neither do I. I named her Justice-kymorah. Justice because I have always wanted to grow up and become a's been my only real dream... and I believe that in some way it's part of what God has put me on this earth for... and so I always said I would name my first child Justice.... as in "fair"... I felt that if I was a good person than the fair exchange would be that one day I could be a mom..that would be my justice. So the name would be Justice if I had a boy or a girl and then I planned to more-so define the sex by an attached hyphenated name. I always knew if I had a boy the name would be Justice-Scott...pretty much cuz it sounds cool and that's just what I picked. Now Kymorah comes into play because it's a beautiful name and it really girlies up the name Justice....and I first heard the name recently from my watching the reality show starring Kimora Lee Simmons. She's a confident woman who hasn't let the fact that she's a woman keep her from becoming one of the biggest business moguls. She's for the most part a great role model and always refers to herself as fabulous no matter what... and my matter what... is fabulous and always will be.... thus Justice-kymorah. However, she was not NAMED AFTER Kimora Lee Simmons (it just happens that that's where I first heard of the name) which is in part, why I changed the spelling. She is her own person and will do her own great things in life. So, it's Justice-kymorah..that's her first name... spelled just like that. Please don't butcher her name and just say part because you think I picked a name that's too long. It was my choice and that's the choice I made. When you have kids you can give them little short names all you want lol. Thanks for respecting my wishes. Love you all. God Bless.
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