Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, June 16, 2008

4 months!!!

That's bear is already 4 months old!! I really cannot believe how fast the time goes. She's over 13 pounds now and is abut 24.5 inches long(tall)! Her head is about 15 inches. She waves and tries to say "hi" (she was actually successful in saying it a few times). She's enjoying tummy-time much more now than she used to. I taped her today and she gets up on her knees as if attempting to crawl!! Of course crawling is a long time off but it's cute to see her try. She has figured out how to put her hand around her binky and take it out of her mouth...which has resulted in her new game: take binky out, wave it around at mommy, then drop/throw it on the floor. I'm not too fond of the game but she loves it! She's been fussy the past few days...she did recently have shots...and we believe she has a tooth coming in... but I don't know... she wakes up screaming which isn't like her at all. So I'll be keepin an eye on that. I don't know if I mentioned before or not, but she now naps in her crib or her pack-n- play....which is a big step for both of us! LOL. She always wants what I'm eating or drinking and expresses her frustration when I don't give her's amusing...for now.

The couple I extended the offer of God-parenthood to accepted!! I'm so happy about have no idea. They are great people and I know they were the right choice and will do an excellent job. I hope to have pictures of all of us up soon, as I hope to be seeing them A LOT more. Ah, they are awesome! God is awesome and I am so thankful to Him for putting Mike and Liisa (and Aaron) in our lives. I'll be calling the church this week to get the application for a dedication ceremony... which I'm so excited about it because I wanted her dedicated like the day she was born. Which she was in my heart and mind but I needed to do some praying about picking God parents first. But now that that's settled, I believe a proper ceremony is in order!

My health has been a little..messy if you will, lately. But I'm trusting God for a complete healing. I tried to start supplementing formula occasionally for Justice-kymorah because certain tests or surgeries I may have done will affect my breastfeeding for a short time. I figured.. she's not taking well to it. She eats it no problem but her stomach can't handle it. So now I'm just trying to pump and save as much as possible! The 26th is the tentative date for my wisdom tooth extraction.... so far that's the only doctor I've called. Tomorrow I need to call the surgeon who did the lumpectomies I had done on my breast a few years back and also the eye doctor. Fun, fun. Keep us in your prayers!

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